Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Using the criteria below, write an evaluation of your research project.

I'm going to evaluate my paper as follows:

The writing process is something that I was not always the most prompt with throughout the semester. We said that the writing process should consist of 100 points. With the work that I have posted and the work that I have shown that I have done I do not think that I would quite get all of those points. I did not receive all of the points when Dr. Chandler went through my blogs and I feel that that should be accounted for in this final grade. So out of the 100 points I'm going to say that I should probably receive around 90 of them. I had a majority of my posts up and I personally know I made progress along the way but it was not as prompt as it could have been.

On to the essay grade of 100 points. We divided it so that focus could receive 30 points, audience/genre receives 25, organization receives 20, development 20 and correctness 5.
For my essay I would say that I think my focus is there and that you are able to tell what the paper is talking about but I think that possibly I could have gone in and developed it some more so I would probably give myself around 25 points of that 30. In regards to genre, I think that it is written as a research paper it has the different sections that a search paper has but may it is a little too personal. I realize that I wrote an auto ethnography which would refer to myself but it might be too much. I would say 23. The organization is pretty well done. For what I have it is presented in a way that you can figure it out I would give myself 18. I think when it comes to the development I think I may have been able to delve in a little more with the connections and the example usage. I would say it is 15 points worthy. As far as correctness I think that I should receive the full 5 points because there is nothing that terrible that is distracting to the reader. This gives me 86 out of the 100 points.

The analysis grade is out of 300 points. I would basically split it in half in regards to promptness and the development of the analysis. So for promptness and having my data and analysis on the blog in a timely manner I would give myself about 140 points. Like I mentioned earlier, I was not always right on time but I had the information that was needed. The remaining 150 points would be for the actual use of analysis. I think that my analysis could have been more in depth in some parts. I think that I could have used more connections along the way. I would probably only give myself around 100 points of the 150.

So I have 90 in the writing process, 86 in the essay, and 240 in the analysis. All together this adds up to being 416 points out of the possible 500. This would give me an approximate 83% for my grade. I would say that a B would be a reasonable grade for this paper.

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